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Classroom Management Strategies

Many educators and students around the world have spent the past year learning online at one point or another. This transition was difficult for all but everyone adapted as best they could to continue with teaching and learning. Now that the world is starting to open up again, more change is coming. We made the transition to online learning, and now it’s time for many to return to the classroom again. There has never been a time where there has been such disruption to our usual daily routines. This is something to keep in mind upon returning to school. Our students have been through a difficult time and returning to the classroom will take some getting used to.

Now that you know you are returning to school, it’s time to start thinking about classroom set-up and management strategies. No doubt, the settling in period is going to be a challenge for all. Our students have had a totally new experience of learning from home that has been far less structured, in some ways, than a traditional classroom. These classroom management strategies will help to create an orderly classroom environment where students can learn.

  1. Classroom Guidelines - Involve you students in the creation of the classroom guidelines. The classroom space belongs to us all. It’s important to get the opinion of all parties involved along the way. In turn this will help to promote a sense of ownership and also gives everyone a clear understanding of the expectations.

  2. Address Behavior Individually - Talk to your students 1-1 where possible. You will often come to a resolution in a much more productive manner and achieve a better outcome.

  3. Communication - Create connections with your students and get to know them. This will help to build relationships and build trusting classroom environments.

  4. Praise - Recognize the hard work that your students are putting in. Congratulate them on their accomplishments! Genuine praise is a great motivator within the classroom.

  5. Rewards - Reward students at the end of a lesson, this is also a great way to motivate students while also being a useful behavior reinforcement technique.

  6. Acknowledge Positive Behavior - Often phone calls home are reserved for negative behaviors, why not use them in a positive way instead! Making positive phone calls home opens up a connection between home and school, while also offering positive praise.

  7. Incorporate EdTech - EdTech gives students the opportunity to use adaptive learning technologies that will suit their learning needs.

  8. Create Excitement - When students are excited about upcoming lessons they will be naturally motivated and better engaged. Present them with sneak peaks, this will allow them to see what’s coming next and spark an interest in the next lesson.

  9. Gamification - Set targets and transform them into games! Gamification turns regular activities into games making some tasks that may usually be a bit mundane into something more exciting!

  10. Be Consistent - Stick to the rules that have been agreed upon by the class. It’s important that all students are treated fairly, correct errors when you see them and provide additional instruction.


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